Colour Therapy

The power and energy that various colours have been of no mystery since ages of the past. It is evident in every culture, regardless of its location in space or time. Colours have long been in use as sources of energy and as a healing tool. And if you find that your meditation in your sacred place is no longer satisfying you, then colours might be exactly what you are missing. Coupled with the modern knowledge of various colours together with the ancient practices, may greatly help you to improve your daily meditation routine. Everything we see around us is energy. We are able to see the colours simply due to the fact that each colour has a unique electromagnetic frequency of the wave.  So every time you are looking at any colour the very sensitive photoreceptors in your eyes read those specific frequencies and translate them into colours.

 So what are the qualities of each of the colours in the visible spectrum and how can you use them effectively in your meditation practice?

Red: helps in awakening your soul, stimulates blood circulation in the body, increases your heart rate, warms and relaxes. It can also sometimes bring out aggression.

Orange: orange helps you to improve the mood, and is also stimulating sexuality and hunger. It is the colour of lightness and joy.

Yellow: it also helps to stimulate digestion similar to orange and allows everything around us to appear in a positive and bright light. It can also relieve depression. On the other hand, yellow can be a very distracting colour.

Green: calms you down and balances the nervous system as cooler shades of colour tend to be very soothing and tranquil. Green helps us to be in connection with nature.

Blue: also calming, but it often reaches a deeper level of serenity as compared to the green colour. Blue brings a feeling of security and protection. It can help you to connect with holistic thoughts.

Now that you know the qualities of the colours, you can easily arrange your sacred space for meditation according to your needs. 


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