Do you need a Sacred Place in your House?

Today’s world can be hectic and chaotic, right? With the ever increasing levels of stress and tension of life which more than often lead to a variety of physical and mental health problems and general discomfort with everyday life, it is very easy to see why more and more people are turning towards meditation. And they are doing it at home and making it their regular practice.

Creating the perfect Zen environment with beautiful arts for your sacred place that when you step into at any moment when your heart rate starts to rise and your skin starts to prickle, could be a life-changing addition.

So here are some of the ‘must haves’ to create your very own sanctuary or sacred place, where you can shut yourself out from the external world and get in touch with the best version of your inner self.

• Images of stillness: Inarguably, it is the most important part to set the mood in your cosy and special room. By incorporating artworks that feature very peaceful and still images, you can instantly get yourself into the Zen zone.

• Adding greenery: Not only will this help in keeping the ambient air cleaner and help with your breath flow but indoor plants also look fantastic in any setting. Different plants have different qualities. 

• Choose your palette carefully: It is recommended that you opt for cooler colour tones if you are looking to create a calming space. Warmer colours such as the likes of reds or oranges, are more active and might subtly evoke a different kind of energy than you originally expected.

• Power Quotes: We all need small reminders in our lives. And those reminders should include healthy, positive and inspirational quotes. Glancing at uplifting words on a regular basis helps to shift our moods into a state of tranquillity where we get the courage to face challenges head-on, without sacrificing our peace of mind.

• Incorporate water in the design: It is very common for people to be drawn towards the water and it can undeniably help shift our mood. If you do not live anywhere near a water body the next best thing will be to incorporate a soothing water art into your sacred space of harmony.


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