The reflection of our spirits

Our homes are the reflection of our spirits. We can find many homes where the residents have decorated each room to a tee, but don’t have any designated single spot in the home dedicated to only their spirits. A sacred space will not appear on your traditional blueprints, but it is crucial having a place where you can go to connect with yourself and your energy is as crucial as any other room in your home.

The simplest part is you don’t even need to have a spare room to make your grand sacred space in, either. The creation of your own sacred space is just about having a specific area towards the rejuvenation and revitalisation of your spirit. For some, it might mean creating a sacred altar, while for others it might just be a meditation pillow in a designated peaceful area of your home, or a spot outside that makes you feel tranquil. Over time, when you keep on going to the same place to do your prayers or meditation, there’s an inert energy that builds up. It will trigger your mind to feel soothed the moment you enter your sacred space because it subconsciously recognizes it as a space of relief. Whatever relics, crystals or sacred objects you wish to place in this space will hold that energy for you. It is not required to be ornate. You can also think of Making Homes for the Arts in Sacred Places.

Creating a sacred space will offer you with the chance to communicate with your higher self. A room closed and sealed off from the rest of your home and the world will keep out any of the noise so you can concentrate on your meditation and ultimately on being the real you. It is important that youtry to keep your space simple. If the space you chose feels cluttered, it’s a sign that you’re juggling with too many things in your life and need to slow down the hectic pace of your life.

Consider all your basic senses when designing your sacred space. Try figuring out what helps you feel calm, comforted, and at peace? Before you begin with your therapeutic session in your sacred space or spiritual centre, quickly perform a cleansing ritual to clear and refresh the energy of the room. There are numerous energy-cleansing techniques that you can use.

You can either use the sound a bell, a singing bowl or even just clap of your hands to break up the stagnant energy. Also, arrange a collection of your favourite treasures and relics such as crystals, candles, inspirational books, etc. in a very symmetrical way so that it’s naturally pleasing to the eye.

When you are choosing crystals for your sacred space, it is important that you always look for stones that resonate with your spirit. Our favourite types for meditation and peaceful introspection are light blue gemstones such as Blue Calcite or Angelite, which reflect the colour of a bright summer sky. Its expansiveness is a reminder to us of the infinite possibilities of the universe and the healing power of being open and receptive to new ideas.


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