What are sacred spaces?

When thinking of creating an elaborate room for your meditation and tranquillity at home we often find that it is not within most of our reach, but in reality it is always easy to create your own small healing altar or place for your daily meditation and healing in your home, or in your yard or garden. Consider it as a sacred place where you can sit quietly for a few minutes each day to reflect on gratitude, your intentions, and inner thoughts of life. As an example consider a woman who has struggled in her life with fertility issues; create an altar that contains arts, images, or mementos that remind her of her womanhood, her strength as a woman, her love with her partner, or whatever will help her in re-framing her attitudes and beliefs around her struggle towards something that is more inspiring and productive. While it is not necessary for everyone, many women find this practice eases them and boosting their confidence, reminding them to focus on something that is producti...